I know I sound like a grouch but I’m glad the holidays are about over. Seems like I always get sick somewhere between Thanksgiving and New Years and sure enough, both my Mom and I got respiratory infections two weeks before Christmas. We’d been out Christmas shopping on Monday and both were sick by Wednesday so we must have encountered someone’s virus while shopping. It really makes the holidays even more stressful when you’re too sick to get anything done. So it was a pretty simple Christmas at our house.
And just to top the old year off in grand style, I fell down the stairs on the 23rd and have sprained my knee. It’s a wonder I haven’t broken something by now anyway since I’m not exactly known for being graceful. At least my better half was in town for this event. Seems like he’s out of of the country when most of my disasters hit.
Yes, I know I’m whining. So here's a few pictures to make up for it.